Time-independent dataset

Fitting a Cox model for a time-independent dataset with 50 variables and 100,000 samples.

# Data simulation
N <- 1e5
p.x <- 50
K <- 100
n <- N / K
cor <- 0.2
bb <- c(rep(0.4, 4), rep(0.2, 4), rep(0.1, 4), rep(0.05, 4))
beta0 <- c(1, bb, rep(0, p.x - length(bb)))
dat.mat0 <- as.data.frame(SIM.FUN(N, p.x = p.x, cor = cor, family = "Cox", beta0 = beta0))
dat.mat0[, "strat"] <- rep(1:20, each = N / 20)

# Model fitting
modp <- dcalasso(as.formula(paste0("Surv(u,delta)~", paste(paste0("V", 3:52), collapse = "+"))),
  family = "cox.ph", data = dat.mat0,
  K = 10, iter.os = 4, ncores = 2
sum.modp <- summary(modp)
print(sum.modp, unpen = T)

In this case, the dataset was loaded as a whole (data=dat.mat0). The same formulaic syntax for coxph applies here. For a time-independent dataset, two arguments are required: time and event.The dcalasso function internally divides it into 10 folds (K=10). The divide-and-conquer Cox estimate was estimated using 4 iterations of one-step updates (iter.os = 4), with the process paralleled to 2 CPUs (ncores = 2).

The print statement provides coefficients for both unpenalized estimate and adaptive LASSO estimate. The plot statement provides the relationship between the penalization factor lambda and model’s Bayesian information criteria (BIC), which was the metric built in the package for variable selection.

Time-dependent dataset

Fitting a Cox model for a dataset with 50 time-dependent variables, 50 additional time-independent variables, and 100,000 samples.

# Data simulation
n.subject <- 1e5
p.ti <- 50
p.tv <- 50
K <- 20
n <- n.subject / K
cor <- 0.2
lambda.grid <- 10^seq(-10, 3, 0.01)
beta0.ti <- NULL
beta0.tv <- NULL
dat.mat0 <- as.data.frame(SIM.FUN.TVC(p.ti, p.tv, n.subject, cor, beta0.ti, beta0.tv))
dat.mat0[, "strat"] <- dat.mat0[, dim(dat.mat0)[2]] %% (n.subject / 20)
dat.mat0 <- dat.mat0[, -(dim(dat.mat0)[2] - 1)]

# Model fitting
modp <- dcalasso(as.formula(paste0("Surv(t0,t1,status)~", paste(paste0("V", 4:103), collapse = "+"))),
  family = "cox.ph", data = dat.mat0,
  K = 10, iter.os = 2, ncores = 2
sum.modp <- summary(modp)
print(sum.modp, unpen = T)

In this case, the dataset was loaded as a whole (data=dat.mat0). The same formulaic syntax for coxph applies here. For a time-dependent dataset, three arguments are required: start, end, and event. The dcalasso function internally divides it into 10 folds (K=10). The divide-and-conquer Cox estimate was estimated using 2 iterations of one-step updates (iter.os = 2), with the process paralleled to 2 CPUs (ncores = 2).

The print statement provides coefficients for both unpenalized estimate and adaptive LASSO estimate. The plot statement provides the relationship between the penalization factor lambda and model’s Bayesian information criteria (BIC), which was the metric built in the package for variable selection.