## Loading required package: RColorBrewer

Load the depression data into R.

dir <- "https://github.com/celehs/KESER/raw/master/rdata/"
data <- readRDS(url(paste0(dir, "depression.rds"), "rb"))
dict <- readRDS(url(paste0(dir, "dictionary.rds"), "rb"))

Feature Selection with Embeddings from Partners Healthcare

system.time(loc.fit.RPDR <- loc.feature.selection(
  data$X_full_lst[[1]], data$Y_full_lst[[1]],
  data$X_train_lst[[1]], data$Y_train_lst[[1]], 
  data$X_valid_lst[[1]], data$Y_valid_lst[[1]],
  alpha = 1, lambda_lst = NULL, up_rate = 10, 
  drop_rate = 0.5, cos_cut = 0.1, add.ridge = TRUE))
##    user  system elapsed 
##  39.078   3.713  40.617
results.RPDR <- merge(loc.fit.RPDR$results, dict, all.x = TRUE)
##              name        coef                                          description
##   1:      CCS:130 0.004708198           Other diagnostic procedures, female organs
##   2:      CCS:182 0.022253177                                          Mammography
##   3:      CCS:200 0.025923450             Nonoperative urinary system measurements
##   4:      CCS:218 0.150076359 Psychological and psychiatric evaluation and therapy
##   5:      CCS:219 0.001066507       Alcohol and drug rehabilitation/detoxification
##  ---                                                                              
## 305:  RXNORM:8629 0.000000000                                             prazosin
## 306:  RXNORM:8787 0.000000000                                          propranolol
## 307: RXNORM:89013 0.005432996                                         aripiprazole
## 308: RXNORM:89905 0.000000000                                        multivitamins
## 309:  RXNORM:9639 0.056529739                                           selegiline
wordcloud(words = results.RPDR$description,
          freq = round(as.numeric(results.RPDR$coef) * 100),
          random.order = FALSE,
          colors = brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"),
          # scale = c(4, 0.2),
          rot.per = 0)
## Warning in wordcloud(words = results.RPDR$description, freq = round(as.numeric(results.RPDR$coef)
## * : Psychological and psychiatric evaluation and therapy could not be fit on page. It will not be
## plotted.

Feature Selection with Embeddings from Veteran Affairs (VA)

system.time(loc.fit.VA <- loc.feature.selection(
  data$X_full_lst[[2]], data$Y_full_lst[[2]],
  data$X_train_lst[[2]], data$Y_train_lst[[2]], 
  data$X_valid_lst[[2]], data$Y_valid_lst[[2]],
  alpha = 1, lambda_lst = NULL, up_rate = 10, 
  drop_rate = 0.5, cos_cut = 0.1, add.ridge = TRUE))
##    user  system elapsed 
## 126.806   7.813 131.171
results.VA <- merge(loc.fit.VA$results, dict, all.x = TRUE)
##                        name         coef
##   1:                CCS:130 0.0165769727
##   2:                CCS:131 0.0002163698
##   3:                CCS:156 0.0000000000
##   4:                CCS:163 0.0000000000
##   5:                CCS:182 0.0000000000
##  ---                                    
## 464: ShortName:HCV - RNA VL 0.0000000000
## 465:         ShortName:HDLC 0.0000000000
## 466:         ShortName:LDLC 0.0000000000
## 467:      ShortName:TotChol 0.0000000000
## 468:         ShortName:Trig 0.0000000000
##                                                                        description
##   1:                                    Other diagnostic procedures, female organs
##   2:                            Other non-OR therapeutic procedures, female organs
##   3: Injections and aspirations of muscles, tendons, bursa, joints and soft tissue
##   4:                 Other non-OR therapeutic procedures on musculoskeletal system
##   5:                                                                   Mammography
##  ---                                                                              
## 464:                                                        ShortName:HCV - RNA VL
## 465:                                                                ShortName:HDLC
## 466:                                                                ShortName:LDLC
## 467:                                                             ShortName:TotChol
## 468:                                                                ShortName:Trig
wordcloud(words = results.VA$description,
          freq = round(as.numeric(results.VA$coef) * 100),
          random.order = FALSE,
          colors = brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"),
          # scale = c(4, 0.2),
          rot.per = 0)
## Warning in wordcloud(words = results.VA$description, freq = round(as.numeric(results.VA$coef) * :
## Posttraumatic stress disorder could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(words = results.VA$description, freq = round(as.numeric(results.VA$coef)
## * : Psychological and psychiatric evaluation and therapy could not be fit on page. It will not be
## plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(words = results.VA$description, freq = round(as.numeric(results.VA$coef) * :
## Other lab:METHAMPHETAMINE LCMS could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted.
## Warning in wordcloud(words = results.VA$description, freq = round(as.numeric(results.VA$coef) * :
## Antisocial/borderline personality disorder could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted.

##    user  system elapsed 
## 169.261  11.864 183.694