A screening and one-step linearization infused DAC

solid.fun(dat.list,niter, ridge)





number of iterations


using ridge penalty for initial value


Fit the SOLID method: a screening and one-step linearization infused DAC

SOLID method

Divide and conquer (DAC) is a commonly used strategy to overcome the challenges of extraordi- narily large data, by first breaking the dataset into series of data blocks, then combining results from individual data blocks to obtain a final estimation. Various DAC algorithms have been pro- posed to fit sparse predictive regression model in the L1 regularization setting. However, many existing DAC algorithms remain computationally intensive when sample size and number of can- didate predictors are both large. In addition, no existing DAC procedures provide inference for quantifying the accuracy of risk prediction models. In this paper, we propose a screening and one-step linearization infused DAC (SOLID) algorithm to fit sparse logistic regression to massive datasets, by integrating the DAC strategy with a screening step and sequences of linearization, which enables us to maximize the likelihood with only selected covariates and perform penalized estimation via a fast approximation to the likelihood.


betahat returns estimated beta coefficients


Hong, C., Wang, Y. and Cat T. (2019). A Divide-and-Conquer Method for Sparse Risk Prediction and Evaluation (under revision).


Chuan Hong


N=1e5 p.x=50 K=10 n=N/K niter=3 cor=0 b0=-8 bb = c(1, 0.8, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1) beta0 = c(b0, bb, rep(0, p.x - length(bb))) dat.list=sim.list.fun(nn=N,K=10,p.x=50,cor=0.2,beta0) SOLID.fit=solid.fun(dat.list,niter=3)