High Dimensional Inference
Large Scale Hypothesis Testing
Matrix Completion
Statistical Inference with High Dimensional Data
Research Team
John Rock Professor of Population and Translational Data Sciences, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Professor of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School
Daniel H. Silberberg Professor and Professor of Statistics, The Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania
Assistant Professor of Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics, Harvard T.H. School of Public Health
Professor of Statistics, Fudan University
Selected Publications
T Cai, M Liu, Y Xia. “Individual Data Protected Integrative Regression Analysis of High-dimensional Heterogeneous Data”. arXiv 2019;1904.12891.
T Cai, T Cai, Z Guo. “Individualized Treatment Selection: An Optimal Hypothesis Testing Approach In High-dimensional Models”. arXiv 2019;1904.12891.
T Cai, TT Cai, K Liao, W Liu. “Large-Scale Simultaneous Testing of Cross-Covariance Matrices with Applications to PheWAS”. Statistica Sinica 2019;983–1005.
Y Xia, T Cai, TT Cai. “Two-Sample Tests for High-Dimensional Linear Regression with an Application to Detecting Interactions”. Statistica Sinica 2018;28:63–92.
Y Xia, T Cai, TT Cai. “Multiple Testing of Submatrices of a Precision Matrix With Applications to Identification of Between Pathway Interactions”. Journal of the American Statistical Association 2017;113(521):328–339.
M Neykov, JS Liu, T Cai. “L1-Regularized Least Squares for Support Recovery of High Dimensional Single Index Models with Gaussian Designs”. Journal of Machine Learning Research 2016;17(87):1-37.
Y Xia, T Cai, TT Cai. “Testing differential networks with applications to the detection of gene-gene interactions”. Biometrika 2015;102(2):247–266.
T Cai, TT Cai, A Zhang. “Structured Matrix Completion with Applications to Genomic Data Integration”. Journal of the American Statistical Association 2016;111(514):621–633.