bonmi's title
bonmi(W, r, weights = NULL, rsvd.use = FALSE)
a list of PPMI matrices, with rownames and colnames being the features
The weight vector for the PPMI matrices. Default NULL, the weights will be estimated from data.
Bool. Default FALSE. If TRUE, we will use the 'rsvd' function to calculate the svd, which is much faster than the 'svd' function when r is small.
An embedding matrix.
N = 3000
r = 10
m = 5
p = 0.1
X0 = matrix(rnorm(N*r),nrow=N)
W0 = X0 %*% t(X0)
rownames(W0) = colnames(W0) = paste0('code',1:N)
W = list()
for(s in 1:m){
ids = which(runif(N)<p)
Ns = length(ids)
Es = matrix(rnorm(Ns*Ns,sd=s*0.01),nrow=Ns)
Es = Es + t(Es)
Ws = W0[ids,ids] + Es
W[[s]] = Ws
Xhat <- bonmi(W,r,weights=NULL,rsvd.use=FALSE)
#Xhat <- bonmi(W,r,weights=NULL,rsvd.use=TRUE)
codes = rownames(Xhat)
What = Xhat%*%t(Xhat)
id = match(codes,rownames(W0))
Wstar = W0[id,id]
#bonmi's result
#> [1] 0.003746704