The main function in our package, smc.FUN, is for recovery of the missing block A22 of an approximately low-rank matrix A given the other blocks A11, A12, A21.
smc.FUN(A.mat, c_T, col_thresh, m1, m2)
A.mat | The approximately low-rank matrix that we want to recover |
c_T | c_T is the thresholding level, the default value is 2. |
col_thresh | is column thresholding |
m1 | number of rows of block A11 |
m2 | number of columns of block A11 |
Cai, T., Cai, T. T., & Zhang, A. (2015). Structured Matrix Completion with Applications to Genomic Data Integration. Journal of the American Statistical Association.
Yifu Liu, Anru Zhang, Tianxi Cai and T. Tony Cai,
##dimension of matrix A with row number p1 = 10 and column number p2 = 9 p1 = 10 p2 = 9 m1 = 6##row number of A11 m2 = 3##column number of A11 A = matrix(rnorm(10, mean = 0, sd = 0.1), p1, p2) ##find the approximation low-rank of A under singular value decomposition (SVD) j1 = svd(A)$d num<-length(which(j1!=0)) j2 = svd(A)$u j3 = svd(A)$v D<-diag(j1) D[num, num] = 0 app_low_rank_A = j2 ##consturct the matrix Arecovery that need to be recovered A11 = app_low_rank_A[1:m1, 1:m2] A12 = app_low_rank_A[1:m1, (1+m2):p2] A21 = app_low_rank_A[(1+m1):p1, 1:m2] Arecovery = rbind(cbind(A11,A12),cbind(A21,matrix(NA,nrow=p1-m1,ncol=p2-m2))) ##recovery the block A22 A22 = smc.FUN(Arecovery, 2, "True", m1, m2)